Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fuel Belt Top Ten Tips | Portland Fit

It?s getting hot out and we?ve discussed it before, but it?s worth repeating ? you should all be carrying hydration systems with you during your training runs and walks. And this week, we have a special deal from our friends at Fuel Belt. Plus their Top Ten Tips!

USA FIT?s national hydration sponsor, Fuel Belt, is offering a 20% discount to USA FIT members during the month of August.? Simply go to? enter the code USAFIT at the checkout to redeem the discount.

Fuel Belt?s Top Ten Tips
The top ten hydration and nutrition?tips from the company that brought?you the world?s #1 hydration belt.

1. Find a baseline for your sweat rate.
Weigh yourself before and after an hour run. You will need to drink 20 ? 24oz of liquid for every pound lost. Additionally, you can check your urine?s color. It should be pale but not colorless. If it is too dark, you need to hydrate more. If it is colorless, you may be over-hydrating.

2. Drink before, during and after your exercise.
If you get behind with your hydration, it is better to slow down and drink than to skip it entirely.

3. What and when you drink is determined by many variables.
These variables include length of run, outside temperature and your pace. Water or a low-calorie sports drink will suffice for runs under an hour. For one to two hours, choose a sports drink with 60g of carbs and 300 ? 1000mg of sodium per 32oz. For runs that are longer than 2 hours, use an endurance sports drink.

4. Experiment and practice your hydration plan.
Don?t wait until race day to try your hydration plan ? experiment and practice during your training. Keep a log of what works for you to determine your best race day fluid replacement strategy.

5. Drink small amounts at one time, but drink often.
This will allow for proper absorption. A good rule of thumb is 6 ? 8oz every 15 minutes. FuelBelt bottles hold 8oz for easy monitoring of liquid intake.

6. Avoid commercial soft drinks.
Avoid empty calories and choose an electrolyte sports drink instead.

7. Watch your alcohol and caffeine intake.
While not necessary to avoid it, caffeine is a diuretic that can cause dehydration. Use it judiciously.

8. Pre-hydrate.
If you are an early morning runner, keep a glass of water by your bedside and hydrate throughout the night.

9. Give your bladder a break.
Stop drinking one hour before a race to give your bladder a break and help settle your stomach.

10. Stick to what you know.
In the days leading up to a race, do not experiment with food or drink. Keep to what you know and have been training with to avoid any surprises on race day.


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